How to Save Money on Cable, Internet & Phone

How to Save Money on Cable, Internet & Phone

Fri, May 13, 2022 10:21 PM

TV Cable Internet Bundles

 This is a how-to guide for renegotiating your TV, Internet, and phone bills and obtaining the best deal on a new service. Nothing is more unreliable than our broadband bills. Every month, we can look at them and find a fee we've never seen before, or another increase in the overall amount.

When it comes to pricing their services, our Internet service providers have a lot of leeways. Costs for Internet services have steadily decreased in many parts of the world as their use, access, and technology have increased. However, for some reason, service costs in Florida are nearly double what customers pay in the UK.

We can find solace in the fact that service providers want our business. Even if you have some kind of complicated contract, it's far too easy to go somewhere else. If you are dissatisfied with your bill, you can adjust your bundle or cut services, but you may be able to negotiate lower subscription rates. Providers will be resistant, but perseverance and preparation may pay off. To get his job done, you must be on your best behavior and be absurdly polite to all company representatives.


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The following are the major steps you must take for these negotiations:

Assess Your Standing

Having a clear understanding of your company's reputation will be critical in determining how the service provider treats you. Consider the following:


  • A record of your payments. Companies are more likely to accommodate a customer with a stellar on-time payment history than someone with delinquent payment history.

  • How far are you into your contract? If you're nearing the end, you'll be in a better position to leave and, as a result, to negotiate. Negotiations will be tense if your contract includes a time limit. Even breaking it a few months early will result in a sizable penalty. However, if your contract expires in a few weeks, this will not be an issue.


Make a note of your payments so you can refer to them when you call your provider. You will be able to quote numbers and show information without having to wait for the representative to do the research. Take note of any promotions you've taken advantage of, such as sign-up bonuses, as well as any price increases. List any issues that arose as a result of provider errors, such as incorrect charges and lost service for which you may not have been compensated.


Consider Your Options

What you want the provider to think about is that if they are unable to negotiate with you, you will take your business elsewhere. No smart company, regardless of its size or wealth, wants to lose a good customer. Before contacting your current provider, look into your other options. Examine the plans, costs, and customer feedback. This may be an issue depending on where you live.


  • Determine which services your nearby family, friends, or neighbors use and how much they pay for them, as well as compare providers in your area.

  • Make contact with the competition. Every single one of them. It will take some time, but you will find that each representative is polite and accommodating, especially once they learn that you are considering switching. Smart businesses want your business and will entice you with the best available deals.

  • Thoroughly examine competitor services.


Knowing the specifics of your options does not have to be difficult. Enter your zip code into TVInternetDeals's broadband provider comparison tool to gather all of the necessary information.


How To Save Money On TV and Internet Services (2022)



Not every area has a variety of options. If you are fortunate enough to have at least two, you are in a good position to bargain. However, just because you have one doesn't mean you're stuck. Be friendly and patient with members of your current provider's sales team. Your demeanor and customer history may still entitle you to a fair settlement.

Request that any current promotional offers for new customers be applied to your contract renewal as your contract is about to expire. You deserve it as a good customer. Be tenacious. Regrettably, the more limited your options, the more clout your provider has. Finally, they may only offer you a new, lower-cost bundle or reductions in existing services.


Are You Prepared?

Let's double-check that you have everything you need before approaching your service provider.


  • Number of years you've been a loyal customer

  • Any service or customer service issues you've had

  • Any discounts, bonuses, or incentives provided by your current service provider

  • Competing plans in the area, as well as any discounts, bonuses, or incentives offered

  • The current month's bill and its amount

  • The bill amount at the time you began service.

  • Bill increase amounts and justifications


It's time to get to work

Before you make that call, keep two things in mind: persistence and politeness. It may not be easy with automated messages, disconnections, being transferred between departments, language barriers, and other minor annoyances that may arise.

Be aware that, while the provider is unlikely to tell you this, any rep who hears you want to cancel your service will most likely route you to a retention rep. It is that person's responsibility to keep you onboard while minimizing the benefits you receive for doing so. The provider, as previously stated, does not want to lose your business. Ten lost customers mean a loss of $12,000 or more to the bottom line, depending on what those customers are paying. The company will lean toward changing your services, but they may be persuaded to keep you on current pricing with a slight reduction in billing.

Retention representatives have a playbook that outlines what they can and cannot do. They will sift through options from the bottom up, insisting that each reveal is the best deal you'll get and only offer the best if it becomes clear that you intend to switch providers.

They'll have a script, and you should have one as well. To begin:


"I've been a customer for [Number] years, and I've always paid my bills on time. My contract is coming to an end soon, and I'm considering my options. I'd like to continue my relationship with [PROVIDER NAME], but only if you can provide me with a compelling reason to do so."


As the conversation progresses, keep reminding them of your good standing, why you want to stay, and how, despite being a relatively satisfied customer, the provider has disappointed you in the past. However, never forget to emphasize that you are still very interested in remaining a customer. The representative will go through their script, most likely first offering to cut services to save you money.

Inform them politely that you are pleased with your package. You're only leaving because of the cost. Inquire about the benefits provided to new customers and, without naming names, inquire about the services and incentives provided by the competition, and why you can't have something similar with this provider.

The last option on the rep's list will be to offer you a price reduction. If they offer you something you can live with, you are free to resign immediately. If you don't think you're getting the best deal, thank them for their time and ask to be transferred to a manager. You will have to restart the entire process, but it will be worthwhile if you get what you need.



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You don't have to give up or cancel just yet if they stick to their guns. You can thank the current respondents for their time and call back if you have the fortitude and hope. Make a note of the names of the representatives you spoke with so you don't waste time talking to someone who has already proven they can't help you. If you called first thing in the morning, call again later in the afternoon on a different day.

The idea is to get different reps because the outcome of these situations is frequently determined by who you are dealing with. Different reps may have different deals, as well as varying levels of power and knowledge. One representative may be able to offer you a livable deal that another swore wasn't possible.

If you are satisfied with your current provider, it is well worth your time to try to negotiate a better deal. However, if they are unable to provide you with a better deal, you must be prepared to cancel and move on, especially if a competitor offers a comparable package that will save you money.


Also Read: The Best Streaming and Cable Deals for 2021


Do not cancel at the end of a conversation with a customer service representative who is not assisting you. Make a call to cancel services specifically. The provider will most likely try to stop you one more time. You'll probably have to go through the entire process one more time, but who's to say you won't be successful by then?

Maintain firmness, respect, patience, and gratitude for the services provided by the company throughout all interactions. Not only will they give you the same, but you may end up with a lower bill, even if only for a short time.

  • 39 million consumers have only one service provider in their area.

  • Contracts that promise frozen fees for a set period of time, on average, only refer to specific charges. Other aspects of the service may still be subject to price increases.




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